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Obama Lies. Lies for Sale. Many Lies for Sale.

I already knew the Obama administration was corrupt. But I’m tired of them calling me stupid as they lie to me. I am not Obama’s intended audience so my disbelief doesn’t count. The administration has to sell their lies to the die hard Democrats and the eager Media. Even that is becoming a harder sell.

We are all among friends here at Clash Daily. So, can we talk? Their lies are unbelievable: literally incredible. The corrupt Obama administration arrogantly breaks the law with a sneer. They say they have a Senate majority and can not be touched by the law. The administration is, and acts, above the law. So does the rest of government.

The latest lie is the “dog ate my e-mails” scandal at the IRS.  They have lost, or will loose, any of the other documents requested by the House committee, the same committee investigating the IRS attack on conservative political organizations. The administration’s answer is Prove we have the documents, while they lie, deny and delay.

IRS supervisor Louis Lerner’s weren’t the only e-mails lost. It seems that every time Congress asked for a person’s e-mails, their computer crashes and the hard drive is crushed.. some eight times. Meanwhile the IRS cancelled the contract with their electronic data backup provider once their political masters decided to ditch the incriminating data.

That, Sherlock, is called a clue, not an accident.

And the man heading the IRS has given about $100 thousand dollars to Democrat politicians. He looked shocked in congressional testimony, but I’m not shocked any more. I’m simply disgusted with his “bought and paid for” lies.

I recently wrote about flooding our election with illegal voters. Our open boarders are designed to flood the already crushed labor market and force more members into union jobs and flood the election with paid-for votes. This isn’t an accident. The DHS put out bids to handle thousands of unaccompanied minors 5 months ago. Do you still think it is a coincidence that our borders are overrun and the Boarder Patrol ordered to stand down? This is exactly the Change Democrats voted into office.

Those who hold the reins of power can crush others at will. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau gave itself unilateral authority to shut down any business overnight. A Community Organizer Chicago-style politician can use that regulation against any business or individual who opposes it. A brazen Chicago-style politician can threaten them with ruin unless they make the approved political donations. “Nice business, you got there. Be a shame if anything was to happen to it.”

The government is now focused on satisfying its special interest donor base rather than serving the public. Even foreign policy is perverted for special interests. See here, where NASA was caught lying about the earth’s temperature records to justify the EPA power grab of regulating everything humans do in the name of made-up global warming. The political science is settled, and real science is irrelevant, unless it supports the overbearing green lobby.

Obama turned me into a libertarian who now distrusts every government agency. The question isn’t whether government can do any good. The question is whether any government agency is immune from being twisted to serve its political masters. The public be damned.

I’m not laughing at their lies any more.

Image: Courtesy of:


Rob Morse

Rob Morse works and writes in Southwest Louisiana. He writes at Ammoland, at his Slowfacts blog, and here at Clash Daily. Rob co-hosts the Polite Society Podcast, and hosts the Self-Defense Gun Stories Podcast each week.