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This is what progressive parenting looks like. Don’t you dare tell your little girl that she might marry a man one day! We better stop having a princes and princesses in our Disney movies, it might confuse our children. (Note the sarcasm.) There actually are people that think like this, like Dana Sitar. See below via Steve Deace:

In the piece called “Your Toddler Might Be Gay,” Dana Sitar describes how she was taken aback that a stranger assumed her two-year-old could have or would have a “boyfriend.” Partially because no kid should be thinking about pairing off at that young age, which most thinking people understand. But the bulk of Sitar’s indignation goes to those parents “forcing heteronormative assumptions on yet another generation.”

If we keep talking to that little girl for the next 10 years as if it’s her destiny to fall in love with a man (put a pin in the implied sexism and other layers of bigotry for another conversation), how will she react to herself and others if she finds herself attracted to the girls around her, not the boys? Or to both?

How will she respond when every Sunday at brunch, someone in the family asks, “Do you like any of the boys at school?”

How will she treat herself when she realizes she wants to kiss the girl down the street, not the boy next door?

Your little girl might grow up and fall in love with a woman.

She might realize she’s more comfortable being a man.

She might want to have several husbands, wives, boyfriends, or girlfriends at once.

She might not ever be interested in sex or romance at all.
