‘RABBIT ATE MY PARSLEY, I’M EATING RABBIT’: Lady Kills & Eats Rabbit, Bunny Lovers FREAK OUT

This is too funny. Out-spoken feminist, Jeannette Winterson, shoots, kill, eats and tweets about her bringing home the bacon … er … bunny; and all the tree-humping, bunny loving, vegetarian freaks go nuclear. BTW, vegetarians: in order for you to have your veggies … farmers have to kill animals who would try to eat your precious greens, you selfish jackass. Check it out via The Daily Beast:
You might have expected her to be making duck a l’orange, but it is rabbit that’s on the menu for British writer Jeannette Winterson.
The outspoken feminist author is not unaccustomed to being at the centre of controversy, but today she finds herself at the centre of a bizarre debate encompassing such diverse themes as animal cruelty, food miles, nose-to-tail eating, revenge, vegetarianism, parsley and – that stalwart of the fiction writer’s art – revenge, after she posted a series of tweets detailing how she had trapped, killed, skinned and cooked (in a cider vinegar casserole) a rabbit that was raiding her vegetable patch.
Rabbit ate my parsley. I am eating the rabbit. pic.twitter.com/36rOpIxqxj
— JEANETTE WINTERSON (@Wintersonworld) June 15, 2014
Here is my cat eating the rabbit innards. No waste no packaging no processing no food miles. pic.twitter.com/cByulPi8kN
— JEANETTE WINTERSON (@Wintersonworld) June 15, 2014
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