BLACK LESBIAN DOWN: 1st Female Black Prep School President Is Canned For Mocking White Devils

I’m surprised Barack and Michelle haven’t given her an award for what she did or maybe a shout out via Twitter. Check it out, creepy ass crackas:
The former black student body president at a pricey New Jersey prep school was forced to resign from her leadership position earlier this year after she posted a series of photos on the Internet, in which she is seen dressed as what she describes to be the typical male, white student at the school.
In the photos, former Lawrenceville School Student Body President Maya Peterson is seen wearing L.L. Bean duck boots, a Yale University sweatshirt and is holding a hockey stick, which she says is representative of the typical ‘Lawrenceville boi.’
In addition to the photos, she added hashtags like ‘#romney2016,’ ‘#confederate,’ and ‘#peakedinhighschool.’
In a lengthy article on the Buzzfeed website, Peterson explains that the photos were meant as a joke in response to complaints made by students about her senior photos, in which she and 10 friends – all of whom were black – are seen raising their fists in a ‘Black Power’ salute.
‘I understand why I hurt people’s feelings, but I didn’t become president to make sure rich white guys had more representation on campus,’ she told the website. ‘Let’s be honest. They’re not the ones that feel uncomfortable here.’
Some of Peterson’s classmates, however, didn’t see the humor in her ‘racist’ photos.
Read more: Daily Mail