COMMON SENSE: English as Official Language of the USA

Back in April, I was visiting my sister who lives in Delray Beach, Florida. On Holy Saturday, we went to the Easter Vigil Mass at one of several Catholic Churches in the area. Usually this Mass lasts about two hours (sometimes less) due to the Service of Light, Christian Initiation, and Renewal of Baptismal Vows. However, this Mass was longer because it was bilingual. A significant portion of the parishioners were Hispanic (mostly Mexican) and thus the Mass was said in both English and Spanish.
Afterwards, my sister stated that she was not going to such a Mass again. For the record, she was not being prejudiced, because she pointed out that the Mexicans in the parish were capable of speaking English. So why was the Mass being said in both English and Spanish? Did the priest not know that they knew English? Or was he trying to be politically correct? Meanwhile, other churches are bilingual (or completely Spanish). And of course, you have probably seen various public accommodations (e.g. workplaces) hang up signs, notices, etc. in both English and Spanish.
Let me clarify that I am not being prejudiced. I see nothing wrong for Americans learning to speak a language other than English (whether it be Spanish, French, German, etc.). However, I do believe English needs to be the official language of the United States. For those of you who think such an idea is racist, might I remind you that the United States won its independence from Britain, which was an English-speaking nation (even if some people in the Celtic areas spoke their native languages).
Throughout its history, America became a destination for people from all over the world seeking a better life. When they came to this country, they either knew how to speak English or learned the English language soon afterward.
However, in recent decades, learning English apparently is not important for immigrants (particularly those from Latin America). Why is that? After all, immigrants from other countries learn to speak English, so why is it not the same scenario with immigrants from Latin America? Are they exempt? If so, when and why did this happen? And as I mentioned earlier, if they can speak English, then why are there bilingual accommodations?
What it comes down to is a matter of consistency. If immigrants from Latin America (by the way, I am aware that not all Latin American nations are Spanish-speaking) decide they will not learn to speak English, then immigrants from other non-English speaking countries will follow suit. The result will be massive confusion and chaos.
Which is why English needs to be America’s official language.