GRIM: Skeleton of Illegal Migrant Found As The Bodies Stack Up

According to Breitbart, the body of an illegal immigrant has been found in Brooks County, Texas. So far, 42 bodies have been found this year in fields. See below…
FALFURRIAS, Texas—The death march through Brooks County, Texas claimed the life of yet another illegal immigrant. A human skull and the decomposed skeletal remains are all that is left of a person who decided to come to this country illegally. A total of 42 bodies have been found this year in the desert-like ranch fields surrounding the town of Falfurrias.
The body was reported by another illegal immigrant who had been captured the day before. A search of the field, located on the northern portions of the Cage Ranch by Border Patrol agents found the decomposed body under a mesquite tree not far from the natural gas pipeline being constructed through the western portions of Brooks County.
Benny Martinez, chief deputy for the Brooks County Sheriff’s Office, invited Breitbart Texas to ride along with him and the local justice of the peace who had to make the formal death declaration. The drive from Highway 281 to the scene of the death was about five miles as the crow flies, but to drive there was about nine miles of very difficult driving in deep sand.
Read more: Breitbart