HILLARY’S SPEECHES: $2777 Per 1:00 Fee, Teleprompters, Can Cancel On Whim, Only One On Stage

I guess she has to make up for being such a dead-broke politician somehow. Check out the figures on Hillary and her speeches and what comes along with it…
Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state who is preparing to run for president on a populist platform of fighting income inequality, demanded $2,777 per minute for two university speaking engagements and insisted on contracts that cut off reporters’ access to her and limited the number of photos she would take with well-wishers.
The Harry Walker Agency drew up legal agreements for Clinton’s speeches at the State University of New York at Buffalo in August 2013 and at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas next month.
Combined, the two gigs netted the Clintons’ family foundation $500,000 for three hours’ work, and allowed her to cancel or reschedule the events ‘for any reason whatsoever.’
The once-and-maybe-future White House resident is routinely granted iron-grip control over the circumstances surrounding her speeches.
Both contracts, one published online by The Washington Post and the other by The Daily Caller, paint a picture of a control-freak PR machine surrounding Hillary.
Read more: Daily Mail