HOLDER TO PALIN: “You’re Not a Good Judge of Who Should Be Impeached”

Eric Holder is responding to an op-ed that Sarah Palin published on Breitbart calling for the impeachment of President Obama. Of course, the all-righteous judge and can-do-no-wrong Holder responded by saying that she wasn’t a good judge of who should be impeached. See below…
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder took to ABC’s ‘This Week’ Sunday morning to blast conservative personality and former Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin, in response to her editorial calling for the impeachment of President Obama.
‘She wasn’t a particularly good vice presidential candidate’ said Holder on the political talk show, speaking to host George Stephanopoulos. ‘She’s an even worse judge of who ought to be impeached and why.’
Holder’s comments were responses to an editorial written by Palin and published last week on Breitbart.com, entitled ‘It’s Time to Impeach President Obama.’
Holder responded with disdain for Palin’s criticisms, also denouncing ‘gridlocked Washington’ and the Republican Party’s continuing efforts to block any initiatives from the Obama Administration.
‘For whatever reason, [some] Republicans decided early on that this was a president they were just simply not going to cooperate with,’ Holder told ABC News’ Pierre Thomas in a rare interview. ‘And over the past five-and-a-half years, we have seen demonstrations of that, where the president has reached out his hand, offered compromises that have simply not been met [in the way] they have been in the past by a Republican Party willing to do the appropriate things.’
Read more: Daily Mail