MORE H’WOOD AND THE BIBLE: ‘Exodus: Gods and Kings’ (Trailer)

Following the explosive controversy around Darren Aronofsky’s recent movie Noah, director Ridley Scott will soon be releasing his cinematic take on Moses’ story, Exodus: Gods and Kings. The film will star Christian Bale in the lead role. Should be interesting to see what approach Scott takes to this magisterial, biblical source material …
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by Alex Kocman
Christian Bale stars as Moses in Ridley Scott’s “Exodus: Gods and Kings,” slated for a December 2014 release. (21st Century Fox)
The first official trailer for Exodus: Gods and Kings has surfaced.
Directed by Ridley Scott (Gladiator) and starring Christian Bale (The Dark Knight Rises) in the role of Moses, the film depicts the story of Israel’s deliverance through the lens of the showdown between Egypt’s gods and Moses’ God.
After the evangelical uproar over Darren Aronofsky’s (Black Swan) Noah, many are wondering what to expect from the new adaptation of the Exodus story.
“What I thought I knew about Moses, I didn’t really,” Scott said in an interview with Entertainment Weekly. “Either I wasn’t paying attention in Sunday school or I had forgotten. I was knocked out by who he was and the basics of the story—it has to be one of the greatest adventures and spiritual experiences that could ever have been.”
Bale has a similar approach to the biblical story, according to … Keep Reading the Rest and see the Trailer at: WATCH: ‘Exodus: Gods and Kings’ Trailer Released
Image: Screenshot, courtesy of Trailer, “Exodus: God and Kings”. (2oth Century Fox).