JOAN RIVERS: ‘Obama’s Gay and Michelle’s a Tranny’, Storms Off CNN Set

Joan Rivers has been causing quite the storm this week. In a CNN interview, she storms off after being questioned by the host about wearing fur. Then in a street interview, when asked if she thought the country would ever have a gay president, she exclaimed that Obama was already gay and that Michelle was a transsexual. Watch below…
Here is the CNN interview:
Here is the street interview:
According to IJ Review, Joan Rivers’ staff released this statement:
In a later statement, Rivers’ representative said it was meant as a compliment:
I think it’s a compliment. She’s so attractive, tall, with a beautiful body, great face, does great makeup. Take a look and go back to La Cage Au Follies (sic). The most gorgeous women are transgender. Stop it already … and if you want to talk about ‘politically correct,’ I think this is a ‘politically incorrect’ attack on me because I’m old, Jewish, a woman and a ‘hetty’ — a heteosexual …