MIAMI POLICE REP: ‘Get Yourself Some Firearms, You’re Going to Have to Protect Yourselves’

WSVN-TV – 7NEWS Miami Ft. Lauderdale News, Weather, Deco
Miami-Dade Police Department is having budget cuts again and will reportedly be losing thousands of positions if the cuts go through. One officer is warning residents to take measures to protect themselves by buying guns and guard dogs. See below via WSVN…
If police department cuts are made, officers from administrative posts would likely shift to the street and certain specialized units that deal with robberies and child abuse cases could see positions vanish. “One of the directions I told the director was that I wanted to have the same number of patrol officers in the street that we have today,” said Gimenez.
The Miami-Dade Police Benevolent Association fired back after the proposal, saying public safety is paramount and these proposed cuts will have a negative impact. John Rivera, president of the Miami-Dade Police Benevolent Association, said, “If the mayor’s not going to provide security, then my recommendation, as an experienced law enforcement officer for nearly 40 years, is either buy yourself an attack dog, put bars on your windows and doors and get yourself some firearms because you’re going to have to protect yourselves. We won’t be able to.”
Read more: WSVN