IT’S A MIRACLE, OR BS: IRS Chief Doesn’t Know How Lerner’s Backup Tapes Were Found

When more evidence comes up in the IRS scandal they resort to their favorite phrase – “I don’t know!” IRS Commissioner John Koskinen has testified that he doesn’t know how “backup tapes” were found. See below….
The head of the IRS confirmed Wednesday that investigators looking into missing emails from ex-agency official Lois Lerner have found and are reviewing “backup tapes” — despite earlier IRS claims that the tapes had been recycled.
IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, testifying before a House oversight subcommittee, stressed that he does not know “how they found them” or “whether there’s anything on them or not.” But he said the inspector general’s office advised him the investigators are reviewing tapes to see if they contain any “recoverable” material.
The revelation is significant because the IRS claimed, when the agency first told Congress about the missing emails, that backup tapes “no longer exist because they have been recycled.”
It is unclear whether the tapes in IG custody contain any Lerner emails, but Koskinen said investigators are now checking.
Read more: Fox News
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