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PLAY THAT FUNKY MUSIC WHITE BOY: The GOP’s Biggest Problem, in One Instagram Photo

The GOP is gonna have to change some things if they ever expect to reach the next generation, or for that matter, win any other elections. Check this out…

What do you notice about this photo?

How about the fact that it’s overwhelmingly white?

This instagram was taken by Rep. Aaron Schock (R-Ill.) after speaking to the National Teen Age Republicans, or “#futuregop.” If that future party looks anything like the current party, though, Republicans would likely be in big trouble.

You can’t glean the racial identities of a whole room just by looking at their faces, of course, but it’s a telling sample. And a changing electorate — and sweeping victories by Democrats when it comes to minority voters — means GOP youth outreach will have to stray from its white base if it’s going to have any chance winning an election, let alone actually representing Americans.

Read more: Poly Mic

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