SHOCKER: Did The Chicks On The View Say, ‘Get a Gun in Your Home For Protection?’

Wow. Everyone’s a liberal regarding gun control until they have their lives threatened. Check it out.
Something really remarkable happened on Tuesday’s edition of The View. Three out of the four panelists actually came out strongly in favor of a woman’s right to protect herself and her children with a gun! The one panelist who didn’t want a gun in the house? ABC Good Morning America co-host Lara Spencer. The three who favored firearm ownership (Sherri Shepherd, Jenny McCarthy and FNC’s Juliet Huddy) all shared the real world threats that prompted them to go get a gun.
The segment began with The View airing a new ad from the gun control group Everytown for Gun Safety but instead of sparking the expected rant against guns from the usually liberal View crew, something very different happened.
Read more: Newsbusters