BOOM: Donkey Turns The Tables On Amorous Arab

This ought’a teach them not to mess with a donkey anymore, in a romantic sense, that is. Check it out…
An irate donkey decided this day was not going to be his day to get sodomized by a Saudi Sheikh man. After being tied to the man’s car in preparation for the dirty deed, the donkey fought back — killing the man, according to Lebanese website Beiruting.
The story that has now circulated all over Middle Eastern news should serve as a warning to men looking for their next thrill for this sick popular practice in the region – donkey’s don’t like it. Reports say the man tied the animal up to his car before removing his pants, then attempted to have sex with the donkey.
At the start of the act, the donkey allegedly proceeded to kick the Sheikh man in the face, followed by three strong kicks to the chest. The man fell to the ground, suffering for some time before dying next to the angry animal, Beiruting reported.
Read more: Mad World News
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