EBOLA & THE BORDER: Open Borders Opens Us Up To Deadly African Virus

The Ebola outbreak happening at the same time as the illegal immigration crisis is opening up America to threats of an outbreak. See below via Examiner…
Speculation has been rampant about the threat to America from the West African Ebola outbreak that has infected at lease 1,300 andkilled 887 people to date, including one American. Initial outbreaks in Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia have now spread to Nigeria with a second confirmed case – a doctor who treated the now dead American. Eight other Nigerians are quarantined with three showing symptoms. A Liberian died recently in Morocco, a suspected case has been reported in the Philippines, and now a man with Ebola symptoms who recently traveled to one of the affected West African countries has been isolated at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York City and is being tested for the illness.
Dave Hodges of the Common Sense Show asserts that “the arrival of Ebola through our southern border has already happened or is imminent.” He interviewed Dr. Jane Orient, who quoted unnamed Border Patrol agents saying as many as 100,000 Africans are among those penetrating our southern border. Hodges says the Africans are coming here as part of a new, emerging drug-trafficking operation emanating from Western Africa. They even have learned Spanish to blend in with the Latinos coming across.
Largely unknown and unreported, there is a small but growing trafficking operation to the United States from West Africa, primarily in the materials used to manufacture methamphetamine. Cited in Hodges’ article is a 2013 report from the U.S. Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control. The Report states:
Since 2006, DEA estimates that sub-Saharan Africa has become a major transshipment point for precursor chemicals used in methamphetamine production destined for the Americas…
According to the report, one international operation seized 35 suspicious shipments of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine estimated to be capable of producing 48 tons of methamphetamine. “[The operation] highlighted the emergence of Africa as a major precursor transit point and stockpile location of essential precursor chemicals bound for Mexico.”
Read more: Examiner
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