HOPE & GOLF: Obama Jets Off On 2wk. Martha’s Vineyard Vacay As The Middle East Melts Down

Poor Obama, all this ‘President’ stuff is just so draining. While the Middle East is going to hell, he’ll be taking some time to ‘replenish’. Check it out…
President Barack Obama will embark on a previously planned two-week vacation to Martha’s Vineyard tomorrow regardless of the violence in Iraq and Gaza.
Even as the first military airstrikes he authorized in northern Iraq were carried out Friday, Obama did not cancel the trip.
The White House said Thursday Obama would come back to Washington midway through the getaway to attend meetings but he will rejoin his family at the vacation spot later that week.
He is scheduled to arrive on the wealthy island off the Massachusetts coast on Saturday and return to Washington a week later, on Sunday, Aug. 17.
After the meetings, plans call for Obama to return to the Vineyard on Aug. 19 to resume the vacation, which ends five days later on Aug. 24.
White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Obama would meet with staff, but he declined to say who else would participate or what the meetings are about.
‘This is an opportunity for the president to do some in-person meetings here at the White House, just for a day or two, before he returns to Martha’s Vineyard,’ Earnest said Thursday.
Earnest sought to contain mounting speculation about the vacation, saying the meetings aren’t related to ‘an emerging situation.’
Read more: Daily Mail
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