‘I’M LAUGHING ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK’: Bill Maher’s Mockery of ‘My Parents Open Carry’ Book Spurs Sales

Ever since Bill Maher decided to make fun of the pro-second amendment book, “My Parents Open Carry”, the sales have shot through the roof and it’s gotten national attention. Check it out from Hollie McKay at Fox News…
LOS ANGELES – Thanks to some on-air mocking by Bill Maher and Stephen Colbert, a children’s book promoting the right to bear arms is experiencing a massive boost in sales.
“My Parents Open Carry,” an illustrated book about a family “standing up for the second amendment” and seeking to “bring gun ownership out of the closet and into the mainstream,” was released just over two years ago with little fanfare — and few sales. However, since Maher made fun of it on his HBO program on August 1, sales have since soared.
“The book came out as limited product in 2012, and it was only in February this year we put it on Amazon. Sales were very, very slow – we sold about one book per month,” Skip Coryell, founder of the book’s publisher White Feather Press, told FOX411. “But over the six-day period since Bill [Maher] talked about it on his show, we have sold over 2,000 copies, and it’s still selling very well. I have to say, I now love Bill Maher.”
Although no official sales figures have yet been made available by Amazon or Nielsen BookScan, Coryell said that before Maher’s mocking, the book had just three pages of reviews on Amazon, but in the last few days that has jumped to 33.
The sudden surge in attention has even sparked a sequel.
“The authors are now preparing to write a second follow-up book, which I will promptly publish,” Coryell enthused.
Read more: Fox News
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