THE WAR ON MEAT: Texas Elementary School Starts ‘Meatless Mondays’

This Texas school is cutting meat out of their school lunches on Mondays after some parents suggested having some meatless alternatives. I wonder if PETA or any other anti-meat organizations have anything to do with this. Check it out…
DRIPPING SPRINGS, Texas — “Meatless Monday” is just what it sounds like: A day without meat. It’s a trend happening across the nation, and Dripping Springs ISD is trying it out — and cooking up some controversy.
The international campaign encourages everyone to skip eating meat one day a week. Advocates say it can improve people’s health and the health of the planet.
On Monday’s menu at Rooster Springs Elementary School: cheese pizza, black bean burritos, vegetarian chili, cheese nachos and more.
“The cheese sauce is made with real cheese. It comes from Land O’ Lakes, and it actually has incredible value as a protein product,” said John Crowley, director of Dripping Springs ISD’s Child Nutrition Services.
He said after talking with other school districts, including one in Los Angeles, he decided to give “Meatless Monday” a try.
“With more parents and kids asking for vegetarian choices, we just decided to give it a try in Dripping Springs for a year,” Crowley said. “We’re definitely not against meat. This is a pilot program we’ve decided to try this year and see how our kids do with it.”
Read more: KVUE
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