WHITE DEVILS: Video Titled “Hey White People” Will Make Your Blood Boil
Don’t you love when the left uses children as pawns for their own purposes? Watch as these kids are used to deliver a message of even more division. Check it out…
Although many red-blooded Americans would like to see racism completely overcome, it seems that some are intent on keeping it around just a little while longer. Using it as a crutch, a recent video that is ticking off Conservatives nationwide has gone to further the mentality of the entitled all the while blaming — you guessed it — white people for their problems.
The message came about where a Liberal leaning organization spoon-fed child actors to say and act how they saw best fit to get across their message. In a video called “Hey White People,” a few blacks from Ferguson decided they’d try to set the record straight all the while pointing the finger at anyone but themselves.
Read more: Mad World News
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