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OKLAHOMA: Muslim Attacks Christian With Knife, Says Muslims Need to “Step Up” Beheadings

The religion of peace strikes again in Oklahoma. Check this out…

Upon their arrival, officers learned the victim, Jerome Bullockand 54-year-old Jimmy Stepney had been arguing about the Bible and the Quran.

“We were watching the news,” said Bullock. “He said he felt like more Muslims need to step up to the plate and do certain thing. He was talking about beheading people.”

Because of the statement, Bullock says he asked Stepney, who’d been staying with the family, to leave.

Stepney complied but eventually came back and started arguing with Bullock.

According to the arrest affidavit, the pair began fighting in the yard after Stepney allegedly punched the victim.

Witnesses told officers that Stepney had a knife and was attempting to stab the victim. That’s when Bullock’s mother, Diane Range, came out with a baseball bat and started swinging at Stepney.

Read more: KOCO