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News Clash

BRIBERY: School Bribes Kids to Eat Michelle Obama’s Nasty School Lunch with Bike Giveaway Contest

Kids don’t want to eat Michelle’s gross school lunch.

LAKEWOOD, Colo – School officials in Jefferson County, Colorado felt like they had to do something to save the school’s lunch program after a significant drop in participation last year because of new federal regulations championed by First Lady Michelle Obama.

So, they’re bribing kids to buy lunch.

Devinny Elementary School first grader Anna Ketzer was one of three students who won a brand new bicycle, 9News.comreports.

“I was very excited to hear that,” she told the news station, adding that she gets her food from the cafeteria because “I don’t have to make my lunch.”

Her prize comes from Jeffco Public Schools’ new “Hungry to Win” raffle for students who buy their lunch at school. After a 6 percent decline in lunch sales last year, district officials came up with the promotion to bring students back to the lunch room. With each lunch they buy, students are entered to win a range of prizes, from jump ropes, kites, iTunes gift cards or movie tickets, to grand prizes like bicycles and iPods, according to the news site.

“With all the new regulations and the changes that we’ve made, our lunch participation has gone down,” lunch facilitator Lori Burris told 9News. “So, this was to be an incentive to try school lunch and bring them back.”

Read more: EAG News