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ACCORDING TO THE LEFT: ‘Micheal Moore Destroys His Haters In This Epic Response’

The loons on the Left think Moore now has the upper hand. Would anyone like to weigh in and slam dance Chunky Butt’s rebuttal? Enjoy.

Here is the original Facebook post:

Before I post my more general thoughts later today or tomorrow about the ruckus of the past week regarding the response to my heartfelt comment on twitter about my uncle who was killed in World War II by a sniper – and how I was taught to despise snipers of any stripe – I would like to address this one insane mantra that the right-wing has twisted my tweet into: “Michael Moore hates the troops.”

Well, who would know better about hating our troops than those who supported sending them into a senseless war Iraq in the first place?

And, for 4,482 of them, a senseless, unnecessary and regrettable death.

If you supported that invasion, if you voted for George W. Bush and the Republicans and Democrats who backed this war, then you are the ones who have some ‘splainin’ to do. Not me. You.

Because only “haters” of our brave young men and women would recklessly send them into harm’s way for something that had absolutely nothing to do with defending the United States of America. Nothing. Nothing to do with 9/11. Nothing. In fact, WE, the USA, were the ones who provided Saddam with his weapons in the 1980s that he used against the Kurds. We wanted him to use them against the Iranians, but you hand a crazy guy crazy weapons, something crazy is probably going to happen. Ask Osama bin Laden about that — what he did with the crazy training, crazy money and crazy weapons that WE gave him. Oh wait. You can’t ask him. Because the new president took him out. No 150,000 troop invasion necessary. Just 12 or so Navy SEALS and two and a half choppers.

Here’s the truth they can’t or won’t report: I’M the one who has supported these troops – much more than the bloviators on Fox News. To prove it (and I know this is going to crush some of you out there), here’s just a partial list of all the things I do and have done for those men and women who serve — and I guarantee you, you’ve never heard any of this reported about what the real me does because, frankly, it messes up their little story of the fictional “Michael Moore” they’ve created for your hate and enjoyment (please feel free to cut, paste and send this to your conservative brother-in-law):

[He goes on to list the ways he has ‘helped’ the troops, including  using affirmative action programs to hire vets in his various ventures, giving free admission to active duty service members and their families to his movie theaters in northern Michigan, hosting benefits for wounded warriors, and giving away all of his movies away for free to service members.]

He ends with:

In the end, the thing I’m most proud of for what I’ve done for the troops was sticking my neck out 12 years ago to become a leading opponent to Bush and the war. I tried to save more lives than a sniper ever could hope to — by preventing us from going to war in the first place. Well, I failed at that. But I’ve done everything else humanly possible to try and make it up to those troops when they return home — that is, the ones lucky enough to return home.

So, Fox News and the other lazy media — quit making shit up about me! You look ridiculous. If you want to have a debate with me about the ISSUES and the POLICIES, then let’s have it. If you want to debate a movie that’s trying to rewrite history, then let’s have that. But when you hide behind falsehoods and then use them to try and manipulate the public, then all you are is afraid. Afraid of me, an unarmed American, and the truth I bring along as my sidekick. Only cowards have to lie. Be brave. Report the truth. It will feel good.