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CALLED OUT: Giuliani Says Obama Is Cowardly and Weak for Refusing to Say ‘Radical Islam’

Giuliani lowers the boom on Obama by calling him out for refusing to label terrorists as ‘Radical Islamists’.

GIULIANI: Sean, it is, I think, very serious. I think it’s very serious because it sends a signal of cowardice and weakness.

HANNITY: It is cowardly!

GIULIANI: I’m saying this from 40 years of experience of investigating and prosecuting Islamic terrorism going back to the Palestinian hijackings in the 1970s. So this is not just a —

HANNITY: And you went after the mob in a big way…

GIULIANI: And I called them the Mafia, and I was told there was no Mafia… and I was protested by Italian-American groups. And I said if we can’t use the word ‘Mafia,’ we can’t get rid of them. If we can’t use the words ‘radical Islamic terrorism,’ we can’t get rid of them. Then, we can’t separate them from the good members of the Islamic religion.

Read more: The Daily Caller