BRIAN WILLIAMS ADMITS: ‘I Lied About Being Aboard Helicopter Shot Down By RPG in Iraq’
The ‘fog of war’ fogged his brain. Unreal.
Brian Williams admitted today that he lied about being aboard a helicopter that was shot down by an RPG in Iraq in 2003. The NBC News anchor retold the story as recently as last week:
“To Joseph, Lance, Jonathan, Pate, Michael and all those who have posted: You are absolutely right and I was wrong. In fact, I spent much of the weekend thinking I’d gone crazy. I feel terrible about making this mistake, especially since I found my OWN WRITING about the incident from back in ’08, and I was indeed on the Chinook behind the bird that took the RPG in the tail housing just above the ramp,” Williams said in a statement in to Stars and Stripes.
“Because I have no desire to fictionalize my experience (we all saw it happened the first time) and no need to dramatize events as they actually happened, I think the constant viewing of the video showing us inspecting the impact area — and the fog of memory over 12 years — made me conflate the two, and I apologize.
Read more: Weekly Standard