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WHERE’D THAT COME FROM? Pro-Man Superbowl Ads

The Best Commercials of the Super Bowl – Men and Dads Get a Big Boost by Karen Serna
Over the last several years, I have fussed about the anti-man campaign that has been unleashed upon America by the entertainment and advertising industries. I have tired of all the pictures of bumbling idiot men and dads who were overshadowed by brilliant and overly competent women who looked down their noses at these clueless morons.

Commercials and television shows have been filled with women rolling their eyes as they swoop in to save the day after some compassionate, well-meaning father couldn’t quite get it right. I am not sure what the purpose of this anti-man movement was all about unless it was to try to lift women up, but my parents taught me that anytime you had to push someone else down in order to lift yourself up then you were nothing more than a bully.

Tonight, however, there seems to be a change of heart. While watching the Super Bowl, I was pleasantly surprised by the companies who chose to go on a pro-man, pro-dad crusade. Nissan, Toyota, and Dove all featured commercials that honored men and featured great dads. This kind of message is a welcomed change and should be an inspiration to a new generation of fathers.

I know that after the game people will begin to evaluate how effective the Super Bowl commercials were. They will decide which advertisements were the most memorable and most creative. Let me go on record saying that these three companies who had the courage to give us a positive message that lifted up men without tearing down anyone deserve two thumbs up.

Hopefully they will have launched a new trend in our culture.

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Karen Serna

Karen Serna is a wife and homeschooling mom with two children. She holds a degree in Chemistry with a minor in Math from Angelo State University. In addition, she is a certified secondary educator. Prior to having children, Karen worked for Texas State University-San Marcos as an analytical chemist and industrial hygienist for over twelve years. Her passion lies in seeing a generation of Americans once again embrace true freedom.