HILLARY’S FULL OF SHILLARY: Hillary Takes No Questions About Email Controversy at Women’s Event

Even ‘informal’ chat guests read from teleprompters.
Hillary Rodham Clinton’s silence on the email controversy swirling around her is getting louder by the day.
On Monday, the potential 2016 Democratic presidential candidate ignored the issue at a forum while a second Democratic senator urged her to speak out – and predicted she will – about her decision to conduct business while secretary of state in a private email account.
Republicans are ramping up their attention on the issue.
At the White House, spokesman Josh Earnest said President Barack Obama indeed knew she was using a nongovernment account during her tenure.
Obama had indicated earlier that he only learned of that from recent news reports.
Earnest said the president actually learned from those news reports of Clinton’s privately run email server, but was familiar with her private account earlier because the two had exchanged emails when she was in office.
Obama did not know at the time that she was using private email exclusively, Earnest said.
Read more: Daily Mail