MORE BS FROM THE NYT: NY Times Crops George & Laura Bush Out of Front-Page Photo of Selma Anniversary
I guess Bush can’t be in the Selma March picture because he hates black people, like Kanye said.
By Tim Graham, Newsbusters
MRC’s Dan Gainor alerted us that Ben Smith of the Daily Signal tweeted out a shocking visual: the New York Times front page on Sunday cropped George W. and Laura Bush out of its photo of a Selma anniversary march. They cropped it just to include President Obama. (Notice the Bushes didn’t try to crowd right next to the president to get into the frame.)
Hmmm NYT crops out Laura and W Bush
— Ben Smith (@bmcsmith92) March 8, 2015
The online story by Peter Baker and Richard Fausset doesn’t have column-inch limitations, but its photo, too, excludes the Bushes. They did make the story after ten paragraphs:
Joining Mr. Obama on Saturday was former President George W. Bush, who signed the reauthorization of the Voting Rights Act in 2006, as well as more than 100 members of Congress. About two dozen of them were Republicans, including the House majority leader, Kevin McCarthy of California. While sitting onstage, Mr. Bush made no remarks, but rose to his feet to applaud Mr. Obama, and the two men hugged afterward.
Read more: Newsbusters