WHY WOMEN NEED TO START ASKING DUDES OUT: Chick Says, ‘Because Men Have No Balls’
Do twenty something year old women today have a set of boys, instead of men, on their hands? Unfortunately, as this writer points out, that seems to be the case.
With marriage numbers at an all time low for their age category, it looks like Gen-Y women might need to step it up to make up for the lack of courage, AKA balls, among men.
By Lauren Martin, Elite Daily
Ladies, it’s been said before, but I’ll say it again: They just don’t make ‘em like they used to.
There’s no door-holding, no hand-holding and definitely no free drinks. There’s no taking off hats or courting through invitations. There are no smooth moves, no jackets to dinner. There are no flowers, no tables by candlelight. But, most importantly, there are no dates.
If you’re a single woman, you probably envisioned your twenties as a roaring social scene full of expensive dinners and lavish nights out. You probably thought you’d have a boyfriend, or at least a few dates a week.
You probably thought you’d meet a guy at a bar and that he’d ask for your number. You probably thought you’d be on your way to dinner next week.
After too many nights spent in bars and one too many phone numbers given out, you’ve probably realized the sad truth of the situation. You’re not going on any dates or being courted in any type of manner because, unfortunately, men these days are cowards.
We’re dealing with a new breed of men here and it’s not the kind we grew up dreaming about. It’s the want-what-I-want-but-don’t-know-how-to-get-it type; it’s the sweet and cuddly mama’s boys who grow up terrified of making the first move; it’s the guys who have so much to say but don’t know how to say it.
Now, the unfortunate paradox for a woman is that she must be the chased and the chaser. She must be the target and the shooter. She must play coy and simultaneously pursue him.
Read more: Elite Daily