WOMAN RAISED BY LESBIANS: Comes Out AGAINST Gay Marriage, ‘An extra mom could never replace the father I lost’
You mean to tell me that whole family structure with a real mom and a real dad is supposed to be good for children?
A woman raised by two lesbians has provoked controversy after publicly announcing that she is against gay marriage because she says she missed out on having her father in her life when growing up.
Heather Barwick, a 31-year-old mother-of-four from South Carolina, says her mother left her father when she was 2 or 3 so that she could move in with the woman she loved.
‘Gay community, I am your daughter. My mom raised me with her same-sex partner back in the ’80s and ’90s,’ writes Barwick for the conservative publication The Federalist.
‘I’m writing to you because I’m letting myself out of the closet: I don’t support gay marriage. But it might not be for the reasons that you think. It’s not because you’re gay. I love you, so much. It’s because of the nature of the same-sex relationship itself.’
Barwick recalls growing up in a very liberal and open-minded suburb surrounded by a ‘tight-knit community of gay and lesbian friends’ and says her mother’s partner ‘treated me as if I was her own daughter’.
Read more: Daily Mail