$200K+ DONATED TO CHRISTIAN PIZZERIA: Liberty Lovers Come To Aid Of Pizza Parlor Attacked by Gaystapo

Even though the gaystapo and the media may rage, this is what happens when you strike a chord with freedom-loving Americans.
In less than 24 hours, over 8,000 people have donated more than $228,000 for the embattled Christian owners of Memories Pizza in Walkerton, Indiana. A slew of online threats forced the small business to close its doors after the owners told a local news station that they would refuse to cater for same-sex weddings based on their religious beliefs.
Among all of the donations was a $20 contribution that is being called the “greatest things I’ve seen in years” and the epitome of “real tolerance.” The GoFundMe page was set up by Lawrence Jones, a contributor for TheBlaze TV’s “Dana.”
Read more: The Blaze
This is what equal tolerance looks like! Thank you for people like her. #RFRA #MemoriesPizza @DLoesch pic.twitter.com/9aIt1sG2ix
— Kris RC ✝ (@rc_kris) April 2, 2015