BOO-HOO: ‘Revenge Porn Site’ Operator Cries Like A Wussy When Sentenced to 18 YEARS
It looks like a lot of people will be getting revenge for what this dude did to them. He published thousands of nude photos online and charged women $350 to remove them.
A San Diego man who operated a ‘revenge porn’ website and then charged victims to remove nude images and their personal information was sentenced Friday to 18 years in state prison, the attorney general’s office said.
Kevin Bollaert, 28, was convicted in February of 21 counts of identity theft and six counts of extortion in San Diego Superior Court for running a pair of websites that capitalized on the internet as a forum for public shaming.
The landmark case was the first time a person had been tried for a running revenge porn ring in the United States.
Jilted lovers and hackers could anonymously post nude photos of people without their consent, along with personal information about them, at a website Bollaert created and moderated, called
More than 10,000 images, mainly of women, were posted between December 2012 and September 2013.
Read more: Daily Mail