COWARDLY COMPANY OF BACK-STABBERS: Turncoat Republicans Help Confirm Loretta Lynch

The news today was not surprising that Loretta Lynch has indeed been confirmed with a vote of 66-34. The 10 Republicans in typical turncoat style who voted in favor of the controversial Lynch were Kelly Ayotte (N.H.), Thad Cochran (Miss.), Susan Collins (Maine), Jeff Flake (Ariz.), Lindsey Graham (S.C.), Orrin Hatch (Utah), Ron Johnson (Wis.), Mark Kirk (Ill.), Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky).
Conservatives moved forward with cautious optimism when the Republicans won the Senate majority, and for good reason as reflects today. This act of betrayal won’t likely be forgotten, not now, not ever. They were given the benefit of the doubt, and they burned their constituents again.
Lynch is a strong left wing progressive supporting abortion (including partial birth), illegals and is extremely anti-gun. Lynch is replacing Eric Holder and have many concerned she will be exactly the same or very similar to him.
Ted Cruz has said; “This nominee has given every indication she would continue the Holder Justice Department’s lawlessness. There are more than a few voters back home that are asking what exactly is the difference between a Democratic and Republican majority when the exact same individual gets confirmed as attorney general”.
The confirmation has been a long one with allegations of race issues being the reason for the delay. Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) had attacked Republicans for the delay in Lynch’s confirmation saying they intended for her to,“sit in the back of the bus.”
Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) also had aggressive words saying; “After this extended delay, I can only hope that Senate Republicans will show Loretta Lynch more respect as attorney general of the U.S. than she has received as a nominee.”
More respect for Holder? Everything during his reign as Attorney General was all about race. His obvious obsession with it seemed to be the cornerstone of his whole existence. Holder, a former supporter of the “Black Panthers”, had a wealth of scandals while forwarding Obama’s agenda.
Just a few include; Fast and Furious, opposition to voter ID laws, the attack on Fort Hood as “non terrorist” attacks, AP surveillance, and perusing cases based on race. Holder was the only Attorney General to have been found in contempt of congress.
Republicans were quick to come out and attack Ted Cruz, who has been a strong voice of dissent over the nomination, for not being there for the final vote. What they fail to include, is that he voted “nay” on the cloture which was the only vote that mattered. They knew they had the votes with the 10 that betrayed the people weeks ago.
If any good came from all of this today, it’s the fact that Republicans have sealed their fate and revealed their true intentions as a party who stands for nothing and would sell out for a free cookie. Now it’s up to the people to decide their fate at the ballot box.