Hillary Clinton has just announced her candidacy and she’s already well on her way towards getting on everyone’s nerves. Political correctness is a sure way to annoy. The uber-PC position taken by her supporters, that it’s sexist to call her Hillary, is perhaps the most annoying bit of progressive branding since Pajama Boy.
To begin with, Hillary is not a victim. She’s a multi-millionaire one percenter. She has an access to power that most could only dream of. Anywhere she goes she is known. She admits publicly to felonious behavior and gets a pass. In other words there is no hidden sexist conspiracy out there designed to victimize her.
Consider then who calls her Hillary, minus the Rodham and the Clinton. Don’t include her political campaigns, which spilled more ink than Bush dropped bombs on Iraq, printing things with a great big HILLARY on them. Who’s left? The media.
The same media that by and large adores Hillary. True, here and there a conservative media outlet or commentator will utter the name Hillary. There are dozens more left of center that do the same. The media after all is predisposed to a left-leaning bias — examine their coverage of Hillary to see examples.
So if it’s sexist to call Hillary Hillary, and a predominately progressive media is doing it, what does that say? That either Hillary’s supporters are such a rabid bunch they believe they can generate support for her by playing the victim card; or that it’s all a wag the dog evolution engineered by Hillary’s inner circle as they start playing hardball against anyone that questions her public image.
Image: http://elections2008-2010.wikispaces.com/Primary+Race+of+2008?responseToken =beaacf6fcfe71e45bd8eec005249cbd0