GOOD LAWD: Michelle Obama Celebrated Christ’s Resurrection By Shakin’ It To Uptown Funk In Stretch Pants
The First Lady of bad dancing in stretch pants.
Some 35,000 gathered on the White House South Lawn Monday morning for the 137th annual Easter Egg Roll festivities.
Pop band Fifth Harmony and duo MKTO brought music to the event, and Mrs Obama joined the So You Think You Can Dance All Stars on stage taking the spotlight during a choreographed routine.
This comes only days after she sported her mom dance moves on the Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon during a segment called The Evolution of Mom Dancing Part 2.
On Monday, another highlight of the day’s festivities was Mr Obama’s annual reading of his favorite childhood book Where the Wild Things Are, which he has done since 2009.
However, this year there was a disturbance when bees started buzzing near the children gathered for story-time on the South Lawn.
Read more: Daily Mail