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HANDICAPPED HILLARY: Guess Where Old Hillary’s ‘Scooby’ Van Was Seen Parked

Is this because #HillarySoOld maybe?

Hillary Clinton’s now-famous Scooby Doo van made an appearance in Council Bluffs, Iowa on Thursday for a closed-door meeting with state Democratic Party officials – and it idled in a handicapped parking space from beginning to end.

Footage broadcast by KETV-7 in the nearby city of Omaha, Nebraska, showed the presidential nominee emerging from a cafe, greeting onlookers and walking past the blue handicapped-parking sign to climb into the vehicle.

Secret Service agents are technically federal law enforcement officers, so there was no chance of a parking ticket, even if Scooby had been left unattended.

KETV trailed Clinton to the Main Street Cafe in Council Bluffs, and spoke to Pottawattamie County Democratic Chairwoman Linda Nelson.

The cafe meeting was so secret, Nelson told the station, that everyone in the room was told to hand over their cell phones and cameras before it began.

Read more: Daily Mail