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RACE BAITING BLACK JUDGE: Gives Lighter Sentence to Black Armed Invaders After a Toddler Offended Him

This judge, Olu Stevens, gave armed home invaders a lighter sentence, seemingly because he was offended by the fact that a 3 year old child expressed fear of black men after the incident.

Never mind the fact that she is afraid of them because armed black men broke into her home and terrorized her family. Judge Olu Stevens is offended about her statement, as opposed to the fact that these men committed an armed home invasion which actually led her to feel this way.

Here are my thoughts on this judge who should be removed from the bench! I reached out to him on Facebook and twitter, and he has since deleted all of his social media accounts. So in addition to being racially biased, he is also a freaking coward.

Image: screeshot from

Angel Rodriguez

Angel is a blogger with appearances on The National Geographic Channel, MTV, HLN, FOX 5, HOT 97 FM, NY1, Bronxnet and many popular online sites. He is a U.S Air Force Veteran, Political Columnist, Musician, MMA Fighter, Foodie, and the Host of The Hidden Report Talk Show. Follow Angel on twitter and most social media via @AngelRdotMe