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SCORE! Michigan Football Coach Tackles The Muslim Brotherhood

By now, we’re all well acquainted with Political Correctness (PC)…having been participants (willing or not) for some time in the West. PC is the spawn of Cultural Marxism. Unlike traditional Marxism, which focuses on economics, Cultural Marxism targets the culture and asserts that all human behavior is a result of culture (not heredity/race) and therefore acquiescent. Cultural Marxists ludicrously deny the biological reality of gender and race and argue that gender and race are “social constructs”. Yet, Cultural Marxists support the race-based identity politics of non-whites.

It appears that someone in the Muslim Brotherhood studies Marx…

Following the Islamic terror attacks of 9-11, the Brotherhood entered the hood…the victimhood of Cultural Marxism. They quickly shot out their tentacles of front groups like CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), the MSA (Muslim Students Association) and ISNA (Islamic Society of North America)…to name a few.

The MB has been very successful on college campuses across the country, via the MSA…until they met the patriotic defense at the University of Michigan…

From regarding America Sniper:
According to the College Fix, more than 300 MUSLIM students protested the decision to screen the film because it advanced “negative and misleading stereotypes” against Muslims. The online petition was started by a Hamas solidarity group called the “Students Allied for Freedom and Equality” and the notorious al-Qaeda affiliated Muslim Brotherhood front group, “Muslim Students’ Association”.

Well, this didn’t sit well with many patriots…especially University of Michigan football coach Jim Harbaugh, who announced on Twitter Wednesday night that his team will hold a screening of American Sniper.

His Tweet:

“Michigan Football will watch ‘American Sniper’! Proud of Chris Kyle & Proud to be an American & if that offends anybody then so be it!

Well, HELLO to a spinal column firmly attached!! We haven’t seen such intrepid vertebra since our Founders…

The ONLY way to defeat Islamic supremacists is with the truth. The truth that rests upon a Judeo-Christian foundation…the only foundation that grants freedom and equality to everyone, unlike the caste system within Islam.

Coach Harbaugh appreciates that foundation and its freedom. Let’s hope his admiration is contagious.

Shalom through strength…


Audrey Russo

Audrey Russo is the Host of the weekly REELTalk Radio Show (NYC). Audrey writes a column for and handles Middle East/National Security/Terrorism/Cultural Issues, and her articles can be read in several other news/opinion journals. She is also a contributor on Audrey's Radio Show can also be heard on the Leading Edge Radio Network. Audrey is also an active member of the NYC performing arts community as a singer and actor.