MICHELLE VS. DENZEL: Watch Michelle RACE-BAIT While Denzel GLORIFIES GOD In Contrasting Graduation Speeches
Michelle Obama takes us back 50 years with this racially charged speech at a graduation commencement.
Michelle Obama had her racial resentment act on full display Saturday when she turned a graduation celebration at a historically black university into another opportunity for identity politics.
The first lady put her penchant for racial division to work when she gave the commencement address at Alabama’s Tuskegee University.
“Generation after generation, students here have shown that same grit, that same resilience to soar past obstacles and outrages — past the threat of countryside lynchings; past the humiliation of Jim Crow; past the turmoil of the Civil Rights era,” she said.
“And then they went on to become scientists, engineers, nurses and teachers in communities all across the country — and continued to lift others up along the way.”
Read more: Bizpac Review
Here is Denzel Washington’s speech, in contrast to Michelle Obama’s:
Denzel Washington gave this powerful commencement speech on May 9, 2015 that encouraged students to “Put God first”.
On May 9, 2015, Oscar-award-winning actor Denzel Washington spoke at the Dillard University commencement ceremony. He began with the usual thank yous and congratulations. Then he moved into some powerful advice for the young men and women.
He gave the graduates three “stories” which were life tips that worked well for him.
The first was about how just as he didn’t make it on his own, the graduates haven’t either. He summed it up with three words: “Put. God. First.”
Read more: IJ Review