EAT YOUR MEAT: Court Orders ‘Vegan’ Mom to Feed Her Son Some Proper Caveman Grub
Carnivores win and vegans lose once again in this case. This mom wanted to put her son on a “macrobiotic diet”, an extreme form of veganism in which the main food is grains. But when the child would see his father on the weekends, he would feed him a proper diet.
When away with his mother, the boy visited his paternal grandmother with his father and they would eat “great feasts”, including polenta, Italian sausages, and Gorgonzola, as well as “great feasts” at McDonalds. The mother in turn accused her former husband of harming the child by feeding him meat, which she claimed gave him stomach-ache,reports L’Eco di Bergamo.
The court has now ruled the mother must cook meat for her son at least once a week.
Read more: Breitbart