TROPHY TRANSPORT BANNED: SAA Bans Transport of Hunting Trophies on All Their Carriers
Prepare to lose a lot of money and customers, South African Airlines.
Said Tim Clyde-Smith of SAA: “Hunting of endangered species has become a major problem in Africa and elsewhere with the depletion to near extinction of wildlife that once roamed in prolific numbers. SAA has taken the step of banning all transportation of animals killed in hunting activity as a result,” Tim said.
“In consultation with key authorities, SAA will no longer support game hunters by carrying their trophies back to their country of origin. The vast majority of tourists visit Africa in particular to witness the wonderful wildlife that remains. We consider it our duty to work to ensure this is preserved for future generations and that we deter activity that puts this wonderful resource in danger,” he said.
“We are actively involved in and supportive of preservation of African wildlife including rhino preservation, regeneration and anti-poaching activities. This is a logical extension of our approach.”
Read more: The South African
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