“HE COULD HAVE CALLED 911”: Mom Of Dead Armed Robber Wants Good Guy Charged For His Death

Only in Obamaland is it wrong for responsible citizens to shoot an armed thug as he is robbing a convenience store.
(WBIR-KNOXVILLE) A Knoxville mother believes charges should be filed against the man who shot and killed her son early Monday.
While acknowledging Tamon Stapleton, 18, was “in the wrong” when he tried to rob an Asheville Highway convenience store, the unnamed gunman who killed Stapleton should be held accountable, Joy Stapleton said.
“I feel like the man should be charged,” she told 10News.
Police say Stapleton was robbing the Breadbox store when a friend of the clerk saw what was happening from outside and took action. That action, police say, is justified.
Joy Stapleton first learned of the shooting through Facebook, but it was Tamon’s brother who confirmed it was him.
“My other son came around 8 o’clock, and said, Mom, I think Tamon is dead,” said Stapleton.
“If the store clerk would have killed him I would have felt different,” said Stapleton. “But because that man came into the store and killed him as he watched this robbery go on…he was not in danger. He could have dialed 911 and then went in to the store. But he didn’t, he just automatically went into the store and shot my son in the head.”
Read more: WBIR