LIBERALS HATE THIS: Guess Which Fast Food Place Got Ranked #1 for Customer Satisfaction
Liberal heads are exploding because of this. The numbers don’t lie.
Chick-fil-A, the Christian fast-food company that is closed on Sundays to honor the Sabbath, ranks at the top of all fast-food companies for customer satisfaction, according to the American Customer Satisfaction Index Restaurant Report 2015.
Chick-fil-A was vilified by LGBT supporters for its CEO’s remarks supporting traditional marriage, but that hasn’t stopped it from topping the list the very first year it was included. Years before the recent Supreme Court decision legalizing sane-sex marriage, Dan Cathy, the CEO, responded to the Supreme Court decision to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act by asserting that it was “a sad day for our nation.”
Not only did Chick-fil-A head the rankings, its score was the highest ever recorded by the survey, despite the fact that the average score among fast food companies dropped almost 4% from 2014. Good service appears to be an antiquated notion, as staff courtesy, the efficiency of checkout or delivery, food quality, and order accuracy all plunged from last year.
Read more: Breitbart