TRUMP FIRES BACK AT HILLARY: In The Most Epic Way After She Blames Him for Charleston Massacre
Donald Trump fired back at Hillary after she accused him of being to blame for the recent shooting in Charleston at a black church. Check it out…
Clinton said in an interview Thursday, “Public discourse is sometimes hotter and more negative than it should be, which can, in my opinion, trigger someone who is less than stable.”
“I think we have to speak out against it,” Clinton added. “Like, for example, a recent entry into the Republican presidential campaign said some very inflammatory things about Mexicans. Everybody should stand up and say that’s not acceptable.”
On Friday morning, Trump posted a video on Instagram responding to Clinton’s comments, according to The Washington Times.
“Wow, it’s pretty pathetic that Hillary Clinton just blamed me for the horrendous attack that took place in South Carolina. This is why politicians are just no good. Our country’s in trouble,” he said in the short clip titled, “Hillary Clinton reaches new low.”
Read more: Newsmax