BLACK VETERAN: Burns NAACP Card And Then Gets Run Off the Road (VIDEO)

This is what happens when a black person doesn’t fit in with what the NAACP tells them to be.
Arlene Barnum, a Vietnam-era veteran of the U.S. Army and Republican activist who supports the Confederate battle flag, burned her lifetime membership card to the NAACP at a multi-racial unity rally to save the Linn Park Confederate Monument in Birmingham, Alabama, Saturday. After the rally, however, Barnum was injured in an accident when the truck she was in rolled over after reportedly being chased, Save Our South public relations spokesperson Jonathan Barbee told Sunday.
The truck was being driven by Anthony Hervey, another speaker at Saturday’s rally. According to the McAlester News-Capital, Hervey was killed in the accident, which took place near Oxford, Mississippi. Initially, supporters thought Barnum had been killed as well, but the tough Army veteran posted a video to Facebook ensuring everyone that rumors of her death were quite premature.
Supporters were relieved to hear Barnum survived, but were saddened by Hervey’s death. Hervey, Barbee told Examiner, was a veteran from Mississippi who received the Purple Heart.
Barnum’s Twitter feed is full of pro-Confederate tweets, and she makes no apologies for her stand. One picture mocks the NAACP while changing the meaning of the acronym to “National Association for the Awakening of Confederate Patriots” and links to a Facebook page with the same name.
Read more: Examiner
Here is a video of Barnum in the hospital:
No.. Nobody hacked my iphone. I'm alive & survived the wreck.
Posted by Arlene Barnum on Sunday, July 19, 2015