CHARLIE DANIELS: Slams Obama With Rant Stoked By Chattanooga Slaughter
Charlie Daniels is ticked about the Chattanooga massacre, and he wants Obama to know it. Check out the scathing rant he unleashed on the president via Twitter…
Mr President
Americans in my home state died at the hands of a MUSLIM extremist yesterday and you refuse to even call them what they are
— Charlie Daniels (@CharlieDaniels) July 17, 2015
Mr President,don't tell me we can't destroy Isis,just takes guts,determination ,just turn it over to the military and watch Isis die
— Charlie Daniels (@CharlieDaniels) July 17, 2015
bad enough to lose troops on foreign soil,losing them in America is unacceptable
Ge over your Muslim blind spot and do something Obama
— Charlie Daniels (@CharlieDaniels) July 17, 2015
I'm mad as hell this morning, fed up with political correctness,double talk and a president who makes deals with murdering scum bags
— Charlie Daniels (@CharlieDaniels) July 17, 2015