IF CHRIS CHRISTIE IS THE ANSWER, It Must Be a Really Stupid Question
When I saw Chris Christie’s town hall event, at which he announced that he’s running for president, one question popped into my head. No, not “why does this bombastic blowhard think we need another candidate to jump into an already-crowded field?,” although that is a legitimate question. I had another thought; specifically, has Gov. Christie gotten the sand out of his ample shorts after his man-love on the beach with Barack Obama the week before the 2012 election?
If Gov. Christie’s cringe-inducing invocation of “compromise” as his number one objective during his announcement isn’t enough of a tip off that he just may not be the principled conservative that we’re looking for as our 2016 standard bearer, here are a few more that should give you pause were you even considering supporting this guy.
His Judicial Nominees Are Anything But Conservative
If last week’s outrageous Supreme Court decisions, one of which rescued Obamacare from the clear intent of Congress and the other of which used the dangerous judicial fantasy “substantive due process,” which in English means “fundamental rights” are limited only by a federal judge’s imagination, to impose so-called “same-sex marriage” on the entire country, don’t demonstrate that judicial appointments are critical to maintaining our liberty, nothing will.
Chris Christie has consistently nominated activist liberal judges. There’s a whole website dedicated to exposing this truth. From that site christiebadonjudges.com:
Christie has had five openings on the New Jersey Supreme Court, enough to build a new majority, but the court remains liberal. One Christie appointee, the Chief Justice, is a Democrat so liberal he was mentioned as a potential Barack Obama nominee to the US Supreme Court. Christie even endorsed Obama’s liberal Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor.
Yes,that’s right. He endorsed one of the four liberals on the Supreme Court who vote in lock step in the furtherance of the transformation of America. Isn’t it amazing how you know exactly how they will rule in every case, simply by knowing the big government, leftist position on the issue? And Gov. Christie supported her.
Strike 1 against Governor Christie.
He is to the 2nd Amendment What Barack Obama is to Marriage
In other words, he’s been all over the highway on the issue. From The Washington Times, in August, 2013:
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has had such a remarkable change of heart on the Second Amendment over in the past six months that he actually vetoed part of his own gun-control agenda. The governor enraged anti-gun groups when he rejected three of the Democrat-controlled Legislature’s radical bills on Friday night.
He’s “evolved,” you see, making some people suspect that he’s faking his support for the 2nd Amendment, which happens to be pretty close to the title of a July 2014 Daily Beast piece that notes:
Christie’s first two campaigns were run on his support of New Jersey’s assault weapons ban, in place since 1990, which includes the 15-round magazine cap.
In April 1993, the future governor (then just a lawyer) announced he would run for the State Senate. He told the Star-Ledger, “The issue which has motivated me to get into this race is the recent attempt by certain Republican legislators to repeal New Jersey’s ban on assault weapons…In today’s society no one needs a semiautomatic assault weapon…We already have too many firearms in our communities.” Christie said that while he absolutely supported the right to bear arms, he would prevent any “weakening” of existing gun laws. The campaign only lasted a week.
In 1995, Christie, while serving as a county Freeholder, mounted a campaign for the State Assembly. He teamed up with Richard Merkt, then a legislative aide, to give running on assault weapons another go. Today, Merkt says that he just “went along” with Christie on the issue. Team Christie, he told The Daily Beast, “took control of that whole process.” The process including distributing mailers attacking the duo’s two main opponents, the vulnerable incumbent, Anthony Bucco, and a prominent conservative voice in the district, Michael Patrick Carroll. The mailers deemed repealing the ban on automatic assault weapons “dangerous,” “crazy,” and “radical.”
“He was basically kind of mocking the Second Amendment people,” Merkt said. “I think he thought the Second Amendment issue was kind of a joke, and was not significant.”
The 2nd amendment is a joke? Perhaps this legislative is mistaken about what Gov. Christie thinks of our precious right to keep and bear arms, but are we really willing to take a chance?
Strike 2.
Amnesty for Illegals
It turns out that Gov. Christie devotion to his core principle, “compromise,” which actually isn’t a principle at all, isn’t new. Here’s what he said in a statement after signing a version of the “DREAM act,” giving children “brought into the country illegally through no fault of their own” the right to in-state tuition.
As USA Today notes,
[t]here is a potential Republican candidate for the presidency in 2016 who (1) doesn’t endorse building a massive fence along the U.S. border with Mexico to keep out illegal immigrants or (2) rounding up and deporting those who are already here.That White House hopeful is New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, though few would have guessed that a month ago, when Christie had the state join the red states in a lawsuit trying to thwart President Obama from allowing millions of people in the U.S. illegally — mostly parents and young people — to avoid deportation.
(emphasis mine)
He joined the lawsuit against Obama’s illegal amnesty? Wait …what just happened. He originally refused to participate in that worthy cause. More “evolving?”
In addition, the guy that he appointed to fill the senate seat left vacant after Sen. Frank Lautenberg, Sen. Jeffrey Chiesa, voted for the amnesty bill that the Senate passed two years ago.
I don’t think we can trust you on this one either, Governor. Strike 3.
At the risk of sounding like Ron Popeil, I’ll say “wait, there’s more,” including his expanding Medicaid. Another consideration, and not a small one, is his temperament and his obvious narcissism. Many of us were done with the governor in 2012 when he made what was supposed to be a speech nominating his fellow Northeastern establishment Republican, Mitt Romney, in which he ended up talking mostly about himself. Clearly, the only thing larger than Gov. Christie’s waist size is his ego. Do we really need another thin-skinned, petulant self-absorbed, unprincipled buffoon who changes positions at the drop of a hat in the Oval Office?
Three strikes, as in McCain, Romney, and the next “moderate” compromiser, and the GOP is out. Hello, President “how exactly do I operate this fax machine, Huma?” Hillary Clinton.
Gov., I think maybe you should sit down and shut up, and take your fellow RINOS, Jeb, and John Kasich with you.
Politics, Pop Culture, the Hottest Issues of the Day, the flagship show o”f the Informed America Radio network, The Teri O’Brien Show, featuring America’s Original Conservative Warrior Princess, Live and in vivid red, white and blue, Sundays 5-7 pm Eastern time (4-6 pm Central) at teriobrien.com and http://www.spreaker.com/show/the-teri-obrien-show, and anytime on demand on iHeart Radio, Stitcher Radio, and iTunes.
Image: https://www.flickr.com/photos/gageskidmore/15238529220/