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THE LAST HUG: Couple Married for 75 years Die In Each Others Arms

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They died within hours of each other. This is the real life Notebook couple.

A poignant photo has emerged which shows an elderly couple who were married for 75 years fulfilling their final wishes to die together.

Jeanette Toczko, 96, and her 95-year-old husband, Alexander Toczko, from San Diego, California, died just hours apart as they held hands in bed.

The pair spent their lives in love after becoming boyfriend and girlfriend when they were only eight years old.

But several weeks ago, Mr Toczko suffered a broken hip in a fall and was left bed-bound. A local hospice delivered a special bed to his home, which staff pushed up next to his beloved wife’s bed.

As Mr Toczko’s condition quickly declined, Mrs Toczko’s own health took a turn for the worse. The couple had always said they wished to die ‘in their own bed, holding hands, in each other’s arms’.

And in scenes reminiscent of the 2004 film The Notebook, they passed away while clutching hands earlier this month: Mr Toczko on June 17, as he lay beside his wife; and Mrs Toczko, the next day.

Read more: Daily Mail

Here are some pictures of the couple…

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