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News Clash

YOUNG AMERICANS FOR LIBERTY: Find Out There’s No Such Thing Around Hillary

Hillary’s control freaks strike again. This is just the beginning…can you imagine if she was actually president?

Pro-liberty posters put up by a student group at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee prior to a speech by Hillary Clinton Thursday were taken down, allegedly on orders from the Secret Service.

Several members of the Young Americans for Liberty student group at UWM told Campus Reformthat they hung the signs, most of them featuring the slogan “Big Government Sucks,” in the window of an office shared by the YAL and College Republicans groups that would have been visible directly behind Clinton during her speech.

Most of the signs were printed on 8.5” x 11” sheets of paper, and all were dwarfed by two large “UWM” signs that the students say were put up by the university in advance of Clinton’s speech.

YAL members Devin Gatton and Morgan Paradis recounted that they finished hanging the signs at about 12:30 p.m. Thursday, at which point they left the office, locking the door behind them.

Shortly before 1:00, however, they noticed that the signs had been removed from the window during their absence, presumably by an individual with access to a key to the office. There was no time to replace the signs before the office had to be vacated, and the area remained under lockdown until 7:00—two hours after Clinton’s speech was scheduled to begin.

Read more: Campus Reform

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