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News Clash

BAN HAMMERS: Psycho Plows Through Office Wounding 10 With A Hammer

Should we also ban hammers after this incident? This just goes to show that anyone who wants to hurt people will do it, no matter what the laws are.

A man with a hammer injured 10 people in an attack on a Canadian tribal headquarters Wednesday morning, according to reports.

Police said the attacker died at the Xwísten band office in Lillooet, British Columbia, after he was “subdued and restrained” by the time they arrived, CBC News reported.

The as-yet-unidentified man burst into the office around 8:30 a.m. local time and assaulted members of the aboriginal tribe also known as the Bridge River Indian Band around 155 miles northeast of Vancouver, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police told CBC.

The attacker hit one council band staff member with the hammer and then let loose on the others who came to help, according to sources cited by The Vancouver Sun.

Read more: NY Daily News

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